As wine is composed primarily of alcohol, all the good things about alcohol also applies to wine, including its possible health effects. Consumption of wine is oftentimes associated with decreased risks of early death, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and heart disease—but only when drunk in moderation, less than two drinks for men and one for women. Drinking more than suggested amount leads to the contrary: increased risks of stroke, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Younger people are higher in these risks as they tend to binge drinking, resulting in accidents or violence. At least 3.3 million deaths (making up 5.9% of deaths) are thought to be alcohol-related.
Red wine contains resveratrol, a chemical substance with alleged property of improving health. The skins of the grape produce resveratrol naturally when exposed to fungal infection, which is exactly the process involved in making wine. White wine, however, has a low count of resveratrol due to its process that involves fewer contacts with grape skins. Still, the positive property of the chemical is only apparent in those with low risks. Results in those with high risk are still unclear. Wine might have protective property against cardiovascular diseases or even stroke. But there have yet any studies from on the effect that alcohol has on reducing chances of developing stroke or heart disease.

One thing remains unchanged, though. Excessive alcohol consumption only leads to alcoholism and cirrhosis. Evidence only shows a connection between increased trend of heart disease and excessive wine consumption. Those who consume up to 20 gram of alcohol each day have a low rate of heart disease. This also applies to types of alcoholic beverages other than wine but the evidence is more apparent in case of wine. There are also studies that showed a fact that red wine has greater health benefits than white.